Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Introduction to Physiological Psychology

As cruel as it might sound we can not denied that the quality of our lives are much better with that of animal testing; I just think it should be done with the least discomfort to the animals.  Medicine has come such a long way due to the animal testing, without the animals we would not be able to advance as a human race without the animal testing we would sure be extinct sooner than we think.
 We have seen a higher rate of cancer survivors, thanks to animal testing researchers, we now have a better understanding of tumor biology; therefore there has been many new treatments that target the cancer cells and destroy them.
Another that is painful cancer to hear about would be childhood leukemia which once again thanks to animal testing has increased the survivor percentage.
I can sit here all day talking about death rates over thirty years ago and the current survivor rate today but I won't because we all know that we will be in need of some treatment or medication that was tested on animals and at that time we will not care as long as we get treated.
A note to sit on………should we all become vegans too?????


  1. We are more advance than animal, yes, but to an extent too. I am pretty sure man kind would not survive a world wind of events (i.e. “2012” and the ice age to name a few) and if we (or some) survive, chances are all that made life comfortable to live by would be gone. What then? Most of us would starve to death, and a few would go back to our ancestral insticts. It is eat or be eaten. Yes animal research is great but don’t say we are greater beings when we both know we would be dead if our way of living died. I agree with you on the higher cancer survivor though. It is amazing that people go through it and live to tell their story about it. Your ending of vegans goes with the theme of the post, but explain thoroughly why. Great post, however, you don’t have a video and check your spelling or grammar (hard to understand). Not here to critique, I am here to help! :)

  2. We are advancing everyday with treatments and better understanding about cancers and tumor biology. The knowledge that is being gained by the research and new treatments for cancer patients and survivors gives them longevity and hope most of all. As an animal lover i agree, and hope they help with the discomfort for these animals who are being tested. But I'm a truly grateful for the research that has helped my family members and close friends beat cancer! I'm not sure about being vegans? But I did watch a film in my last psych class called Forks before Knives which was very interesting about eating healthy and the benefits were remarkable!
