Monday, October 8, 2012

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease 

It is a developing brain disease that slowly does away with memory and thinking skills results in confusion, disorientation, reason, understanding, and eventually leading up to the inability to perform the most basic tasks of daily living.  Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia among older people.
The disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer a german psychiatrist and neuropathologist who was the first to publish a case of  "presenile dementia" which would later be known as Alzheimer's Disease.

What is Dementia??

The loss of cognitive functioning; thinking, remembering, reasoning, and behavior abilities.  
Dementia is cause by many conditions and diseases but the two most common cause for dementia in older people are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.


Memory loss or dementia may also be caused by:

  • medication side effects
  • chronic alcoholism 
  • tumors or infections in the brain
  • blood clots in the brain
  • vitamin B12 deficiency
  • thyroid, kidney, or liver disorders
Note that most of these conditions are temporary and reversible.

What happens to the Brain??

Alzheimer's disease comes into the brain like a thief, there is no specific knowledge of how the disease begins until there is  significant evidence that could have started a decade or more before.  Even though the person is asymptomatic at the early stage of Alzheimer's there is toxic changes taking place in the brain.  Alzheimer's disease causes abnormal deposits of proteins from amyloid plaques and tau tangles on both the inside and outside neurons while damage dendritic spines, decrease synaptic input, and decrease plasticity.  As the plaques accumulates the damages spreads to the cerebral cortex and  hippocampus, which is responsible for forming memories.  As the neurons die in large numbers the affected regions of the brain begin to shrink.

Early signs and symptoms

Memory problems, such as trouble finding the correct words or poor judgment.
Mild Alzheimer's disease 
Memory loss worsens and cognitive abilities are significant:
  • getting lost
  • trouble handling money and paying bills
  • repeating questions
  • taking longer to complete normal daily tasks
  • poor judgement 
  • losing things - misplacing things in odd places
  • mood and personality changes
Moderate Alzheimer's disease

At this point the damage done to the brain affects language, reasoning, sensory processing, and conscious thoughts.
  • increase memory loss and confusion
  • problem recognizing familiar faces
  • inability to learn new things
  • unable to multitask 
  • problems coping with new situations 
  •  hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia 
  • impulsive behavior
Severe Alzheimer's disease 

Once Alzheimer's is full blown the person is no longer able to communicate and is completely dependent on others and may be bedridden. 
  • unable to communicate
  • weight loss
  • seizures
  • skin infections
  • difficulty 
  • groaning, moaning, or grunting
  •  sleeps most of the time
  • uncontrolled bladder and bowel
Unfortunately there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease but there are medications that can help with the managing of symptoms allowing the patient to function at a higher level and for longer periods of time.


  1. I read somewhere that when we die we should have our memory intact. I find it interesting how Alzheimer's disease can't be diagnosed with no specific medical exam other than ruling out all possible medical conditions or family medical history. Not only does it affect the patient with Alzheimer's but his/her family as caregivers'. It must be very overwhelming and stressful depending on the severity of the disease. I hope that one day we acquire more knowledge in research to help and prevent this deliberating disease.

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  4. Does anyone still doubt natural herbs? I have seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I wonder why people still spend their money on English medicine when natural herbs can cure all kinds of mental diseases. I have seen it with my own eyes. My dad and aunt were cured from Huntington disease with Dr Bharet herbal medicine. He used BUJA herbal medicine to cure my dad and aunt from Huntington disease, I know it is hard to believe but am a living testimony. My dad was diagnosed with Huntington's disease in 2016, we have made use of all western medication yet no improvement and his doctors said there is no cure yet but still carrying out research, my dad experienced depression, anxiety and memory lapses that made him hallucinate always, he speaks to himself often and that made me shed tears each night that passes by. 2019 I searched through the internet for a solution and i came across a comment on a blog written by [George Lisa] saying she was cured of Huntington disease that she suffered from for 8years. Without wasting time I quickly contacted Dr Bharat whose name was mentioned in the comment Via his email. He asked me questions which I answered correctly he sent his herbal medicine to us here in Ireland through DHL, in less than one month I started seeing positive improvement on my Dad's health so I introduced the medication to my aunt as well, is been 4 years now, my dad and aunt are living their best life again. Though i gave the medication as i was instructed. My dad and aunt are Huntington disease negative after the medication, Huntington disease is completely gone from my family lineage. With Bharat herbal medicine called BUJA Huntington patients can smile again. For those with Huntington disease or having their love ones diagnosed with Huntington's disease contact Dr Bharat now via you will come back to testify

  5. Does anyone still doubt natural herbs? I have seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I wonder why people still spend their money on English medicine when natural herbs can cure all kinds of mental diseases. I have seen it with my own eyes. My dad and aunt were cured from Huntington disease with Dr Bharet herbal medicine. He used BUJA herbal medicine to cure my dad and aunt from Huntington disease, I know it is hard to believe but am a living testimony. My dad was diagnosed with Huntington's disease in 2016, we have made use of all western medication yet no improvement and his doctors said there is no cure yet but still carrying out research, my dad experienced depression, anxiety and memory lapses that made him hallucinate always, he speaks to himself often and that made me shed tears each night that passes by. 2019 I searched through the internet for a solution and i came across a comment on a blog written by [George Lisa] saying she was cured of Huntington disease that she suffered from for 8years. Without wasting time I quickly contacted Dr Bharat whose name was mentioned in the comment Via his email. He asked me questions which I answered correctly he sent his herbal medicine to us here in Ireland through DHL, in less than one month I started seeing positive improvement on my Dad's health so I introduced the medication to my aunt as well, is been 4 years now, my dad and aunt are living their best life again. Though i gave the medication as i was instructed. My dad and aunt are Huntington disease negative after the medication, Huntington disease is completely gone from my family lineage. With Bharat herbal medicine called BUJA Huntington patients can smile again. For those with Huntington disease or having their love ones diagnosed with Huntington's disease contact Dr Bharat now via you will come back to testify
